…; ? estate inventory, James II (1633-1701), King of England, Whitehall, 15 February 1688, fol. 64r, no. 35 (‘By Holben. A mans head with a flat black Cap side face, with two hands in itt’); ? estate inventory, William III (1650-1702), Prince of Orange, King of England, Whitehall Castle, after 1688, p. 19, no. 35, ‘The Kings Great Closet’ (‘A man with a flat black cap, sideface, two hands. Holbein’); ? estate inventory, Kensington House, 1697, fol. 193, no. 32, ‘Upon ye Stair Case’ (‘A Man at ½ length with two hands’); ? estate inventory, Kensington House, 1700, fol. 10, no. 31, ‘Upon the Stair Case’ (‘holben. Man ½ Length with 2 hands’); ? transferred to Paleis Het Loo, Apeldoorn, 1702 (‘la tète d’un homme dans un bonnet noir par Holben’);{Alexander Stanhope, A list of the pictures which were carryed to Holland, 25 November 1702, no. 13.} ? appraisal Paleis Het Loo, 6-7 December 1712, no. 43, ‘Found in the art cabinet and gallery’ (‘een Portrait van Holben’), fl. 175/200;{Drossaers/Lunsingh Scheurleer I, 1974, p. 697.} ? estate inventory, Paleis Het Loo, 8 April 1713, no. 889, ‘the cabinet of paintings, namely the third cabinet near His Majesty’s new bedchamber’ (‘Een pourtrait gemaekt door Holbeen’);{Drossaers/Lunsingh Scheurleer I, 1974, p. 679.} estate inventory, Paleis Het Loo, 1757/63, no. 15, ‘In the ballroom’ (‘Een borststuk van Holbeen’, hoog 2v, breet 1½ v [60 x 45 cm]’);{Drossaers/Lunsingh Scheurleer II, 1974, p. 639.} ...; first recorded in the museum in 1801, as Hans Holbein the Younger, Portrait of Maximilian of Austria;{Coll. cat. 1801, p. 49, no. 100.} on loan to the Mauritshuis, The Hague, since 1951{Provenance reconstructed by Broos in The Hague 1988, p. 85; for the English archive references, see p. 61.}
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)