The Judgment of Paris, Antonio da Vendri (attributed to), 1500 - 1524 oil on canvas, h 69cm × w 82cm × d 3cm More details
Identification Title(s) The Judgment of Paris Object type painting Object number SK-A-1296 Inscriptions / marks inscription: ‘pulchriori detur’ Description Het oordeel van Paris. Rechts de herder Paris met een appel in de hand, links de drie godinnen Hera, Athena en Aphrodite.
Creation Artist painter: Antonio da Vendri (attributed to) painter: Paolo Morando Cavazzola (rejected attribution) painter: anonymous (rejected attribution) Place Venice Dating 1500 - 1524
Material and Technique Physical features oil on canvas Material canvas oil paint (paint) Measurements height 69 cm × width 82 cm × depth 3 cmheight 77.6 cm × width 90.6 cm × depth 9.8 cm
Documentation Italian paintings from the sixteenth century in Dutch public collections, Anton W.A. Boschloo All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Pieter J.J. van Thiel, p. 68
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