The Towered City (of: The Haunted Stream), Samuel Palmer, 1815 - 1881 brush, h 505mm × w 700mm More details
Identification Title(s) The Towered City (of: The Haunted Stream) Object type drawing Object number RP-T-1978-39 Description In vergulde lijst.
Material and Technique Material cardboard deck paint watercolor (paint) pencil lijst: wood (plant material) lijst: gilding (material) gum (material) Technique brush Measurements height 505 mm × width 700 mmheight 76 × width 96 × depth 3
Acquisition and rights Credit line Purchased with the support of the Rijksmuseum-Stichting Acquisition purchase 1978 Copyright Public domain
Documentation De aquarel : Nederlandse meesters van de negentiende eeuw, Terry van Druten, Maite van Dijk, John Sillevis, p. 51, afb. 45 Samuel Palmer, A Towered City (of: The Haunted Stream) en The Curfew (of: The Wide Water'd Shore), 1868 en 1870, Jan Wolter Niemeijer, p. 262, 41 Keuze uit de aanwinsten van het Rijksprentenkabinet, p. 88, afb. 13
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