...; collection Jan Pietersz Zomer (1641-1724), Amsterdam (L. 1511);{Zomer 1720-24, possibly no. 41 (‘60 stuks landschapjes, buiten Amsterdam, konstig naar ‘t leven, door Rembrant zijn getekent’).} ...; collection Lambert ten Kate (1674-1731), Amsterdam;{According to his inscription on the drawing.} ? his sale, Amsterdam (I. Tirion), 16 June 1732 sqq., possibly Album Q, no. 15 (‘Twee landgezigtjes, door ditto Rembrand [met de pen, en met roet gewassen]’), with one other drawing; ...; ? collection Francesco Maria Niccolò Gabburri (1676-1742), Florence (L. 2992b);{According to inscription apparently in his hand on the drawing.} ...; purchased from Freiherr Egon von Kap-herr (1877-1935), Starnberger See, with one other drawing, by Dr Cornelis Hofstede de Groot (1863-1930), The Hague, 1900;{Hofstede de Groot notes, KB.} by whom donated to the museum, 1906, but kept in usufruct; transferred to the museum (L. 2228), 1930
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)