…; ? collection Hillebrant Bentes I (1591-1652), Amsterdam;{Van der Wyck/Niemeijer 1989, pp. 6-7.} by descent to Hillebrant Bentes II (1677-1708), Amsterdam; his sale, Amsterdam, 16 October 1708;{According to an advertisement in the ‘Amsterdamse Courant’, 6 October 1708; Dudok van Heel 1975, p. 170, no. 122.} …; collection Christiaan van Hoek (1643-1715), Amsterdam and ‘Ouderhoek’, near Loenen aan de Vecht, by 1711;{According to Smids 1711, p. 233-34.} his son, Anthony van Hoek (1674-1719), Amsterdam and ‘Ouderhoek’, near Loenen aan de Vecht;{According to Bruijn 1719, p. 24.} his cousin, Jan de Wolff (1680-1735), Amsterdam and ‘Ouderhoek’, near Loenen aan de Vecht;{According to a no longer extant list by Louis-Philippe Serrurier, circa 1730, mentioned by Muller 1878, p. XVII, and Muller 1907, pp. VI and VII.} …; sale, Cornelis Ploos van Amstel (1726-98, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (P. van der Schley et al.), 3 March 1800 sqq., Album KK, nos. 1-6 (‘Inhoudende Teekeningen, alle gezigten van Huizen en kasteelen in de Sticht te Utrecht, meesterlijk naar het leven geteekend door Roeland Rogman, met zwart Kryt en O.I. Inkt’), with 240 other drawings, fl. 2,000.00 for all, to the dealer C.S. Roos, Amsterdam;{Copy RKD.} ? sale, Jacob Cats (1741-99, Amsterdam) et al. [section ‘Letter P’, i.e. C.S. Roos], Amsterdam (P. van der Schley et al.), 16 April 1800 sqq., Album B, no. 50 (‘’t dito [Huis] Moersbergen’), with no. 49, fl. 30 for both, to Jan Coenraad Pruyssenaar (1748-1814), Amsterdam;{Copy RKD, there are two more views of Huis Moersbergen mentioned in that sale: Album A, no. 33 (‘’_t dito [Huis] Moersbergen_’), fl. 4, and Album B, no. 54 (‘’_t dito [Huis] te Moersbergen_’), fl. 8, both bought in by the dealer C.S. Roos, Amsterdam. However, as the description in the Pruyssenaar sale is the most precise, including the hint to Doorn that accords with the present drawing’s verso inscription, it may be assumed that it clearly referred to the present sheet and that Pruyssenaar kept the drawing after buying it in 1800. This would exclude the drawing in sale, Daniel van Diepen, Amsterdam (P. van der Schley et al.), 8 April 1805 sqq., Album D, no. 7 (‘_dito [gezicht], naar het Huis Moersbergen; zonachtig en meesterlyk met dito [zwart kryt en O.I. Inkt] behandeld, door denzelven_’) as potential provenance of the present sheet. The drawing in de Van Diepen sale was sold or bought in for fl. 18 by the dealer C.S. Roos, Amsterdam (copy RKD).} his sale, Amsterdam (P. van der Schley et al.), 27 February 1804 sqq., Album F, no. 13 (‘Het Huis te Moersbergen by Doorn; dun en zonachtig met dito [O. Ind. ink], door denzelven [R. Roghman]’), fl. 12:10:-;{Copy RMA.} …; ? sale, Johannes Hermanus Molkenboer (1773-1824, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 17 October 1825, Album P, no. 17 (‘Gezigt op het huis Moerbergen [sic.]; in dezelfde manier [zonachtig met oostind. inkt]’), fl. 10, to ‘Engelberts’;{Copy RKD; possibly Engelbert Michaël Engelberts (1773-1843), Hoorn and Amsterdam.} …; sale, Cornelis Buys (1746-1826, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 18 February 1828 sqq., Album A, no. 11 (‘Het Huis te Moerbergen [sic], door R. Roghman’), fl. 3, to the dealer F. Buffa, Amsterdam;{Copy RKD.} …; ? sale, Gerard Leembruggen (1801-65, Amsterdam and Lisse), Amsterdam (C.F. Roos et al.), 5 March 1866 sqq., no. 502, fl. 13, to ‘Six’;{Copy RKD; possibly Jonkheer Pieter Hendrik Six, Heer van Vromade (1827-1905), Amsterdam and Hilvarenbeek.} …; from the dealer F. Muller, fl. 41.50, to the museum (L. 2228), 1893
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)