Vrouwenhoofdje, naar rechts, Giovanni Battista Zampezzi, 1630 - 1699 paper, h 87mm × w 84mm More details
Identification Title(s) Vrouwenhoofdje, naar rechts Object type drawing Object number RP-T-1887-A-1177
Acquisition and rights Credit line Purchased with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt Acquisition purchase Feb-1887 Copyright Public domain
Documentation Drawings from the Ter Borch studio estate, Alison MacNeil Kettering, cat.nr. 55 Italiaanse tekeningen [van het Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam], Lina Christina Johanna Frerichs, cat.nr. 134
Persistent URL To refer to this object please use the following persistent URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.28804