...; collection Johann Edler Goll von Franckenstein (1722-85), Amsterdam and Velzen (L. 2987); his son, Jonkheer Johan Goll van Franckenstein (1756-1821), Amsterdam and Velzen; his son, Jonkheer Pieter Hendrick Goll van Franckenstein (1787-1832), Amsterdam and Velzen; his sale, Amsterdam (De Vries et al.), 1 July 1833 sqq., Album S, no. 26 (‘Twee stuks Landschappen met jagers te paard. Met dito [zw. krijt en o.i. inkt], door D. Maas’), with inv. no. RP-T-1885-A-494, fl. 33, to Johan van Idsinga (1751-1842), Leeuwarden and Amsterdam;{Copy RKD.} his sale, Amsterdam (De Vries et al.), 2 November 1840 sqq., Album G, no. 24 (‘Twee stuks Landschappen met ter jagt gaande gezelschappen, met o.i. inkt, door D. Maas’), with inv. no. RP-T-1885-A-494, and a third drawing, to Jacob de Vos Jbzn (1803-78), Amsterdam (L. 1450);{Copy RKD.} his widow, Abrahamina Henrietta de Vos-Wurfbain (1808-83), Amsterdam; sale, Jacob de Vos Jbzn, Amsterdam (Roos et al.), 22 May 1883 sqq., no. 313, with inv. no. RP-T-1885-A-494, fl. 63, to the museum (L. 2228), with support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, 1885
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)