Heilige Elpidius en Heilige Aenesius, Abraham Bloemaert, 1602 - 1622 pen, h 129mm × w 118mm More details
Identification Title(s) Heilige Elpidius en Heilige Aenesius Object type drawing Object number RP-T-1883-A-248
Material and Technique Material paper ink Technique pen / brush Measurements height 129 mm × width 118 mm
Acquisition and rights Credit line Purchased with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt Acquisition purchase 1883 Copyright Public domain
Documentation Netherlandish drawings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Karel Gerard Boon, p. 17, afb. 39 (Plates), cat.nr. 39 (Text)
Persistent URL To refer to this object please use the following persistent URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.28854