Ornamentele kan met leeuw, maskers en een krab, Agostino Veneziano, 1531 engraving, h 250mm × w 170mm More details
Identification Title(s) Ornamentele kan met leeuw, maskers en een krabVazen (series title) Object type print Object number RP-P-OB-9179 Catalogue reference The Illustrated Bartsch 548-2(2) Bartsch 548-2(2) Inscriptions / marks collector's mark: Lugt 12 collector's mark: Lugt 2228
Creation Artist print maker: Agostino Veneziano (mentioned on object) publisher: Antonio Salamanca (mentioned on object) Place print maker: Italypublisher: Rome Dating 1531
Documentation The works of Marcantonio Raimondi and of his school (deel 27), dl. 27, p. 231, cat.nr. 548 Le peintre graveur, dl. 14, p. 389, cat.nr. 548
Persistent URL To refer to this object please use the following persistent URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.602855