The Lamentation of Christ, Hercules Segers, after Hans Baldung Grien, c. 1630 - c. 1633

The Lamentation of Christ, Hercules Segers, after Hans Baldung Grien, c. 1630 - c. 1633

line etching with tone and highlights created by using crosshatching and stopping-out, printed in blue on paper prepared with a ground containing lead, coloured with oil paint and gouache in yellow, yellowish-brown, yellowish-green, dark green, light green, dark blue, light pink, purple and light blue, framing line in brown ink, h c.162mm × w c.159mm Catalogue entry

Segers overpainted an impression in blue of the same etching on view here (RP-P-OB-797) with body colour and oil paint. He overpainted no other print with so many different colours.

Catalogue entry