Landscape with Three Oak Trees on the Right, Claes van Beresteyn, 1650 etching, h 200mm × w 217mm More details
Identification Title(s) Landscape with Three Oak Trees on the Right Object type print Object number RP-P-BI-1060 Catalogue reference Hollstein Dutch 8 Inscriptions / marks collector's mark: Lugt 240
Creation Artist print maker: Claes van Beresteyn (mentioned on object) after own design by: Claes van Beresteyn Place Netherlands Dating 1650
Documentation Le peintre graveur hollandais et flamand [des XVIe et XVIIe siècles] ou catalogue raisonné des estampes gravées par les peintres de l'école hollandaise et flamande, Johan Philip van der Kellen, p. 127, 8 Jeroen Giltaij, The Drawings of Claes van Beresteyn and Adriaen Verboom, uit: Master drawings, 55, 2017, 3, pagina 317-332 - p. 322, fig. 6
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