Crowd in Front of the Publisher Aaron Martinet’s Shop Window in rue du Coq, Paris, Thomas Rowlandson (attributed to), after Pierre Nolasque Bergeret, c. 1805 - c. 1819

Crowd in Front of the Publisher Aaron Martinet’s Shop Window in rue du Coq, Paris, Thomas Rowlandson (attributed to), after Pierre Nolasque Bergeret, c. 1805 - c. 1819

etching, h 227mm × w 379mm More details

This etching features a crowd of potential customers jostling one another outside Aaron Martinet’s printshop behind the Louvre in Paris. Not only are people looking intently at the merchandise, they are also observing one other. Rowlandson drew sharp contrasts between the English tourists on the right and the Parisians on the left, distinguished by the way they are dressed.