Gazette du Bon Ton, 1922 - No. 9 : Un manteau, de Madeleine Vionnet, Thayaht, 1922
letterpress printing, h 245mm × w 190mm
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© erven Ernesto Michahelles
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letterpress printing, h 245mm × w 190mm
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© erven Ernesto Michahelles
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This image is not available because of copyright
This image is not available because of copyright
This image is not available because of copyright
Gazette du Bon Ton, 1922 - No. 9 : Un manteau, de Madeleine Vionnet
Schaatsende vrouw gekleed in een mantel van Madeleine Vionnet. Op het hoofd een hoed. Planche 70 uit Gazette du Bon Ton 1922, No. 9. Uitleg over de kleding op pagina "Description et explication des planches hors-texte et pages de croquis."
publisher: Paris
publisher: New York (city)
publisher: London
letterpress printing / photochemical processes / color printing
height 245 mm × width 190 mm
purchase 30-Sep-2009
erven Ernesto Michahelles