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Shots in Amsterdam, Warnemünde, and Warnsborn, Johanna Margaretha Piek (attributed to), 1889 - 1893

Shots in Amsterdam, Warnemünde, and Warnsborn, Johanna Margaretha Piek (attributed to), 1889 - 1893

baryta paper, h 99mm × w 98mm More details

The photograph of Herengracht was the key for identifying the album as belonging to the Pieks. It was taken from the house at number 258, where the family lived. We see the couple and their son with his classmates on an excursion to the Oostzee. The street photograph is an impression of German kaiser Wilhelm II’s visit to Amsterdam. The round, 9 centimetre photographs were taken with the improved Kodak No. 2.

This work belongs to The Scraps Album, Compiled by Johanna Margaretha Piek (RP-F-F01198)