Gallop; Thoroughbred Bay Horse Bouquet, Eadweard Muybridge, 1887 collotype, h 480mm × w 613mm More details
Identification Title(s) Gallop; Thoroughbred Bay Horse BouquetGalopperend paard, genaamd BouquetAnimal Locomotion (series title on object) Object type photomechanical print Object number RP-F-F00634 Inscriptions / marks copyright notice: ‘COPYRIGHT, 1887, by EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE. All rights reserved.’ number: ‘PLATE. 625’
Material and Technique Material paper Technique collotype Measurements height 480 mm × width 613 mmheight 198 mm × width 370 mm
Documentation Modern Times, Mattie Boom (M.M.) , 1957-, afb. 178 Mattie Boom en Hans Rooseboom, 'Modern Times : Een lange eeuw in tien delen', Fotografisch Geheugen (2014), 84, p. 4, afb. 3.
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