Cannons owned by the Van Reigersberg family, Johannes Burgerhuys, 1678

Cannons owned by the Van Reigersberg family, Johannes Burgerhuys, 1678

casting, l 123cm × d 5.5cm More details

These cannons bear the coat of arms of the Van Reigersberg family of Zeeland and the inscription ‘Semper idem’ (always the same). Their presumed owner was Johan van Reigersberg, committee member for Zeeland in the Admiralty of Amsterdam and dike reeve of the Beemster polder. The cannons probably stood in his house, Molembaix, in Walcheren. The cannon decorations and herons and water plants on the carriages allude to the family name.

On display in room 0.12

This work belongs to Cannons owned by the Van Reigersberg family (NG-NM-10272-A)

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