Object data
wood, copper, iron, reed and paint
model: height 76.5 cm × width 59 cm × depth 41.5 cm
packaging capsule: height 80.5 cm × width 63 cm × depth 44.5 cm
Jacobus Boelen
Netherlands, Netherlands, 1831
wood, copper, iron, reed and paint
model: height 76.5 cm × width 59 cm × depth 41.5 cm
packaging capsule: height 80.5 cm × width 63 cm × depth 44.5 cm
...; Ministerie van Marine (Department of the Navy), The Hague, July 1835;1 transferred to the museum, 1883
Object number: NG-MC-838
Copyright: Public domain
Polychromed planked wooden frame model of a buoy that also functions as a beacon and a refuge for castaways.
Very plump vessel with a keel, bow and stern. The model has a wale, surrounding it as a buffer. The deck has a rounded cover, one side of which is left open. Between decks there is a manhole leading into the hull. In the middle, a mast is raised, with chain shrouds, which has a triangular screen to either side. On top of the mast a ball of wickerwork is positioned.
Lieutenant Commander Jacobus Boelen was awarded a gold medal for his invention by the Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in 1833, which sent the model together with the buoy of Verveer (NG-MC-842) on to the Department of the Navy.2
Scale (according to Obreen)3 1:10.
J.M. Obreen, Catalogus der verzameling modellen van het Departement van Marine, The Hague 1858, no. 838
J. van der Vliet, 2016, 'Jacobus Boelen, Model of a Buoy, Netherlands, 1831', in J. van der Vliet and A. Lemmers (eds.), Navy Models in the Rijksmuseum, online coll. cat. Amsterdam: hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.244652
(accessed 7 March 2025 04:05:54).