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Model of a 40-gun warship, anonymous, 1738

Model of a 40-gun warship, anonymous, 1738

wood, brass, lead, mica, bone and paint, h 37.9cm × l 127.5cm × w 31cm Catalogue entry

In the early 18th century the Amsterdam Admiralty hired three English shipbuilders to reorganize Dutch naval shipbuilding. Their proposals clashed with those of Dutch shipbuilders, such as Paulus van Zwijndregt. The English produced scale models to illustrate their ideas. To com-pete on an equal footing, Van Zwijndregt did the same. However, he had to have his model made in London.

On display in room 0.13

This work belongs to Model of a 40-gun warship (NG-MC-498)

Collections with this work

Catalogue entry