Identification Title(s) In den Parijschen circus (title on object) Object type cartoon Object number NG-1973-9B-342 Inscriptions / marks date
Creation Artist print maker: Johan Braakensiek (mentioned on object) printer: Harms & Co. Ellerman (mentioned on object) Place Amsterdam Dating 27-Mar-1910
Material and Technique Material paper Technique lithography Measurements height 461 mm × width 309 mm
Explanatory note Prent uit het bijvoegsel van: De Amsterdammer. Weekblad voor Nederland, 27 maart 1910.
Subject What political caricatures and satires trunked animals: elephant elephants (circus performance)
Acquisition and rights Credit line Gift of W.F. van Limborch van der Meersch, Renswoude Acquisition gift 1979 Copyright Public domain
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