Commissioned by the Hof van Holland and installed in the Rolzaal, Binnenhof, The Hague, 1511;{The Hague, Nationaal Archief, Algemeen Rijksarchief Grafelijkheidsrekenkamer van Holland, no. 5241, photocopy in Object File. See also A. Ising, ‘Het hof van Holland en de Hooge Raad’, in A. Ising et al., _Het Binnenhof te ‘s Gravenhage_, The Hague 1879.} transferred to an unknown location, 1669;{A. Ising, ‘Het hof van Holland en de Hooge Raad’, in A. Ising et al., _Het Binnenhof te ‘s Gravenhage_, The Hague 1879, pp. 12, 14.}...; acquired by the Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst, The Hague, 1876; transferred to the museum, 1885
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)