Doll’s house kitchen with 45 miniatures miniatures: Amsterdam, anonymous, c. 1845

Doll’s house kitchen with 45 miniatures miniatures: Amsterdam, anonymous, c. 1845

wood (plant material), h 41.8cm × w 47.8cm × d 24.6cm More details

In the mid-19th century a collector of miniature silver had this wooden doll’s house kitchen made to provide a natural setting for his collection of 18th-century miniature domestic silver. That the miniatures were not made for this cabinet is clear from their scale: the brushes, for example, are much bigger than the linen press, whereas in real life they would have been considerably smaller.

On display in room 0.10

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)


This work belongs to Doll’s house kitchen with 45 miniatures miniatures: Amsterdam (BK-KOG-1917)