Bartholomeus Eggers

Bust of Johannes Munter (1611-1685), Burgomaster of Amsterdam

Amsterdam, 1673


  • 1 He was an influential member of the House of Representatives and acted as Commissioner of the King of the Province of Noord-Holland from 1855 to 1860 and from then on as Minister of State.
  • 2 F. Scholten, ‘Quellinus’s Burgomasters: A Portrait Gallery of Amsterdam Republicanism’, Simiolus 32 (2006), pp. 87-125, esp. pp. 105-06 and fig. 15.
  • 3 F. Scholten, ‘Prudentia en Minerva, enige onbekende werken van de beeldhouwer Bartholomeus Eggers’, Antiek 26 (1991), no. 4, pp. 185-92.