Yellow ball vase with tincraquelé (Leerdam Unica G138), Andries Dirk Copier, 1930

Yellow ball vase with tincraquelé (Leerdam Unica G138), Andries Dirk Copier, 1930

glass, h 30.4cm × d 36.5cm More details
© rechtsopvolgers N.V. Glasfabriek Leerdam

Bright colours, simple forms, minimal ornamentation. When Copier visited the Weissenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart in 1927, a model district for architects of the Neues Bauen (New Building) movement, he fell under the sway of Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity). As a result, he simplified his glass designs. This notwithstanding, the influence of nature, Copier’s other great source of inspiration, can still be discerned.