? Collection of the artist, Amsterdam;{Vinckenbrinck’s probate inventory lists two Crucifixions, with the first likely concerning a corpus of Christ and the second possibly the present relief: _Een Christus aent kruys, seer kunstigh van palmenhout gesneden_ (A Christ on the cross, very skilfully carved in boxwood) and _Noch een Christus aent Cruys met Jerusalem in ‘t verschiet_ (Another Christ on the Cross with Jerusalem in the distance), see D. Franken, ‘Albert Jansz Vinckenbrinck’, _Oud-Holland_ 5 (1887), pp. 72-92, esp. p. 89.} ? collection Joan de Vries (1633-1708), Amsterdam;{Possibly identical to the boxwood _Crucifixion_ mentioned in the 1738 sale catalogue of Anna van Aelst (see below), who had inherited most of her collection from Joan de Vries, a former burgomaster of Amsterdam, who resided at 595 Herengracht. See K. Zandvliet, _De 500 Rijksten van de Republiek: Rijkdom, geloof, macht en cultuur_, Amsterdam 2020, no. 112.} ? his sister and heir Catharina de Vries (1630-1711); ? by inheritance to their grandniece Anna van Aelst (1667-1738), Amsterdam; ? her sale, The Hague (Nicolaas van Wouw), 13 October 1738, p. 15, no. 68;{Under the rubric _Fraey gesneden palmhout_ (Beautifully carved palmwood): _De Kruyciging, Jerusalem in ‘t Verschiet, met veel bywerk_ (The Crucifixion, Jerusalem in the Distance, with much extra detailing).} …; ? sale collection William Thomas Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes, 15th Baron Saye and Sele (1798-1847), Broughton Castle (Oxfordshire), 4-16 July 1837;{Discernible on the reverse of the relief is the fragment of a printed 19th-century label bearing the name ‘Broughton’, very likely referring to the country estate of this name in Oxfordshire. At this time, Broughton Castle was in the possession of William Thomas, 15th Lord Saye and Sele, who greatly neglected the house. By 1819, the rooms were ‘daily dilapidating from misuse’. In 1837 the bulk of the house’s contents were relinquished in a twelve-day sale. An advertisement of the sale mentions an ‘exquisite carved crucifix’, see Lugt 14776.} …; sale London (Christie’s), 4 July 1989, no. 60; the dealer Pieter Hoogendijk, Baarn 1989;{Oral communication Rob Bruil, Amsterdam, 20 February 2020.} from whom, acquired by P.W.L. Russell, Amsterdam; by whom donated to the museum, 2011
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)