Rombout Verhulst

Virgin and Child

Amsterdam, c. 1655


fig. a François du Quesnoy, Santa Susanna, 1633. Marble, h. c. 200 cm. Rome, Santa Maria di Loreto

fig. b Rombout Verhulst, Venus with Her Sons Cupid and Anteros, c. 1650-55, Marble. Amsterdam, Royal Palace on the Dam Square © Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam, photo Tom Haartsen


  • 1 As recorded in a written document, preserved in the Object File.
  • 2 The son of his brother Nicolas Maielle (1806-1878).
  • 3 Marie Duchateau (1737-1814) of Borgharen married Henry Maielle (b. c. 1735) in 1760. This ‘Marie’ was probably Walthérus Duchateau’s sister, at whose wedding Duchateau served as a witness. Nine children were born from the Maielle-Duchateau union, including one ‘Jean Maielle’ (b. 1775) and one ‘Walterus’ (b. 1779). See (last consulted 13 December 2021). See also Nederland’s Patriciaat 28 (1942), pp. 182-86.
  • 4 This document is preserved in the Object File. The complete translated text of this ‘deed of gift’ reads: ‘I the undersigned, Walthérus Duchateau, currently without profession, residing in Berg, declare to Joannes Maielle student of theology residing in Maestright to have ceded and honoured (with) a Christ and two statues the one depicting St Joseph the other St Mary with the child Jesu which objects are made from ivory. Enacted in Maastricht, the 27 September In the year eighteen hundred twenty-three. W: Du Chateau’.
  • 5 The document recording this second transaction has also been preserved in the Object File. The letter’s complete translated text reads: ‘Purchased by the Heer Maielle_ / An Ivory Crucifix with two ditto statuettes for fl. 800.00’. Added are ‘10 %’ is ‘80.00’ and ‘5’ making a total of ‘fl. 880.05’. An old black-and-white photograph on cardboard (c. 1855-70), was made by P. Weynen & Fils, Maastricht, sometime around 1855-70 (Object File RMA), see F. Scholten, ‘Rombout Verhulsts ivoren Madonna met Christus’, _Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51 (2003), pp. 102-17, esp. fig. 21. In 1855, the lithographer and daguerreotypist Peter (‘Pierre’) Weijnen moved from Aachen, Germany, to the present-day capital of Dutch Limburg accompanied by his son, Théodor (1835-1904). Together the two men operated a business in portrait photography under the name of P. Weijnen et Fils, located on the main square (Grote Markt) in Maastricht. Pierre Weijnen retired from the firm in 1865, at which time the son established a new studio on the city’s Helmstraat. Théodor later relocated the business to a larger building at Sint Jacobsstraat 7, where he died in 1904. Théodor’s widow and son, Jos, continued running the business under the business name Théodor Weijnen. See I. Evers, ‘De ontmanteling van Maastricht (1867-1870): Achtergronden bij 24 albuminefoto’s van Théodor Weijnen’, De Witte Raaf 110 (July-August 2004).
  • 6 Sale Amsterdam (Sotheby’s), 21 December 2005, no. 240 (Crucifix) and 11 April 2006, no. 21 (St John). The St John can be attributed to the Mechelen sculptor Nicolaas van der Veken (1637-1703). The Christ’s corpus is an anonymous Flemish work. For a photographic image of the complete ensemble, see F. Scholten, ‘Rombout Verhulsts ivoren Madonna met Christus’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51 (2003), pp. 102-17, esp. fig. 1.
  • 7 C. Hofstede de Groot, Quellenstudien zur holländische Kunstgeschichte, The Hague 1893, pp. 446-47, and G.J.M. Weber, Der Lobtopos des ‘lebenden’ Bildes, Jan Vos und sein “Zeege der Schilderkunst” von 1654, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 1991.
  • 8 The statue was not entirely unknown. As yet unaware of the ivory’s existence, Van Notten made no mention of it in his 1907 monograph on the sculptor (M. van Notten, Rombout Verhulst, beeldhouwer 1624-1698: Een overzicht zijner werken, The Hague 1907). On 2 November 1935, the Virgin and Child, together with the two other ivories named in Walthérus’s deed of gift, were shown to C.M.A.A. Lindeman, then the Rijksmuseum’s curator of sculpture (1934-1948). Lindeman was convinced of the quality of all three works, also stating that he was unaware of any other ivories by Verhulst. At this time, he also inquired whether the works might be given to the museum on loan (correspondence in the Object File). When in 1938 Gustave Maielle Sr’s possessions were to be divided among his three children, Dr H.E. van Gelder, director of the Haags Gemeentemuseum in The Hague, was approached for his expert opinion regarding the ivories. Van Gelder’s response conveys not only his findings, but also provides insight into his knowledge of and appreciation for Verhulst. The complete translated text of this letter is: ‘Highly esteemed Sir, I have examined the ivory figures closely and believe that the Madonna is indeed a work by R. Verhulst. Regarding the apostle, I am not so sure. However, there is no objection, especially as the statuette in any case comes from his workshop and that he himself, for example, made the head. The value of such pieces in our country is not so highly assessed. The Dutch taste is not fond of this finer ivory work, and especially religious scenes result in meagre amounts at auction sales. I am therefore of the opinion that both these statuettes together are worth 5-600 gld. I have not seen the Christ; if this also bears the signature, then I would presume one could appraise it at 4 à 500 gld. Without signature, however, it would be f 100 less. Should you be interested in selling the Madonna, then I would be willing to pay, for example, f 400. I will keep the pieces here, until I receive further notice from you.’ Letter from H.E. van Gelder addressed to mr. G. Maielle in Laren (North Holland), dated 14 February 1938, preserved in the Object File.
  • 9 B. Brenninkmeyer-De Rooy, ‘Notities betreffende de decoratie van de Oranjezaal in Huis Ten Bosch’, Oud Holland 96 (1982), no. 3, pp. 135-36. F. Scholten, ‘Rombout Verhulsts ivoren Madonna met Christus’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51 (2003), pp. 102-17, esp. fig. 16.
  • 10 W.L. Strauss and M. van der Meulen, The Rembrandt Documents, New York 1979, p. 369, no. 197.
  • 11 P.J.J. van Thiel and C.J. de Bruyn Kops, P.J.J. van Thiel and C.J. de Bruyn Kops, Framing in the Golden Age: Picture and Frame in 17th-century Holland, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1984, pp. 49-50. The 1654 inventory lists Noch twee gesneen lysten van Verhulst gesneen, voor ses en dartich gulden (Two more carved frames carved by Verhulst, for 36 guilders). In a written memorandum made by Ryklof van Goens, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, the following entry was made: Aen Van der Hulst voor lysten 350 gulden (To Van der Hulst for frames 350 guilders).
  • 12 The sale of Pieter Locquet’s collection, held on 22/24 September 1783, listed an ivory group of Hercules and Cacus by Verhulst. Additionally, John Hope’s collection also included a work by Verhulst, along with other works by De Keyser, Quellinus, Bossuit, Vinkenbrinck, Algardi and Giambologna. See J.W. Niemeyer, ‘De kunstverzameling van John Hope (1737-1784)’, Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 32 (1981), pp. 127-232, esp. pp. 216-17, nos. 445-49, 452, 454 and 455-58.
  • 13 The attribution of a boxwood-carved Venus to Verhulst (Museum de Fundatie, Heino, inv. no. 735), for example, can no longer be sustained, even if acknowledging that the composition closely approaches that of Verhulst’s marble Venus relief made for the Amsterdam town hall. See F. Scholten, ‘Rombout Verhulsts ivoren Madonna met Christus’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51 (2003), pp. 102-17, esp. pp. 113-14. By contrast, the attribution of a small marble Venus on the Amsterdam art market around 1990 to Verhulst does prove convincing, see F. Scholten, ‘Twee vroege statuettes van Rombout Verhulst’, Antiek 25 (1991), no. 7, pp. 345-53.
  • 14 C. Theuerkauff, Elfenbein: Sammlung Reiner Winkler Band II, Munich 1994, nos. 48, 49 (as ‘Northern Netherlands, circle of Verhulst and Van Bossuit’).
  • 15 M. van Notten, Rombout Verhulst, beeldhouwer 1624-1698: Een overzicht zijner werken, The Hague 1907, p. 5.
  • 16 M. Fransolet, François du Quesnoy, sculpteur d’Urbain VIII, 1597-1643, Brussels 1942, p. 105. M. Boudon-Machuel, François du Quesnoy 1597-1643, Paris 2005, pp. 196-210; and for a still life by Cornelis van der Meulen from 1688 with a small model of the Susanna in plaster, see sale New York (Christie’s), 15 October 1998, no. 1.
  • 17 J.M. Montias, ‘A Business Partner and a Pupil: Two Conjectural Essays on Rembrandt’s Entourage’, in A. Chong and M. Zell (eds.), Rethinking Rembrandt, Zwoll/Boston 2002, pp. 129-158, esp. pp. 150-51 (for the insolvent inventory of possessions of the Amsterdam silk merchant Marten van den Broeck, dating from 6 September 1650, whose art collection included not only five paintings by Rembrandt but also three paintings with depictions of the Virgin Mary) and p. 154. At a sale in 1638, the dealer Hendrick van Uylenburgh even purchased 96 painted images of Mary. A boxwood Virgin and Christ, attributed to the 17th-century Amsterdam sculptor Albert Vinckenbrinck was catalogued in the collection of Cornelis Ploos van Amstel, see C. Theuerkauff, ‘Skulpturen’, in T. Laurentius, J.W. Niemeyer and G. Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis Ploos van Amstel 1726-1798: Kunstverzamelaar en prentuitgever, Assen 1980, pp. 62-77, esp. 75 (no. 70).
  • 18 W. Prohaska, ‘Das geistliche Stilleben-Blumenkränze und Girlanden’, in W. Seipel, Das flämische Stilleben 1550-1680, exh. cat. Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum)/Essen (Villa Hügel) 2002, pp. 321-25. F. Scholten, ‘Rombout Verhulsts ivoren Madonna met Christus’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 51 (2003), pp. 102-17, esp. fig. 14.
  • 19 M. van Notten, Rombout Verhulst, beeldhouwer 1624-1698: Een overzicht zijner werken, The Hague 1907, p. 76.