Hendrick de Keyser (I)

Bust of Vincent Coster (1553-1608/10), Fragment

Amsterdam, c. 1606


  • 1 Solicitous communication Edwin van Drecht, Amsterdam, 1995.
  • 2 F. Scholten, ‘A Beheaded Bust and a Fountain-Statue by Hendrick de Keyser’, The Burlington Magazine 137 (1995), pp. 838-41, esp. fig. 65.
  • 3 N. de Roever, ‘Het nieuwe doolhof “In de Oranje pot” te Amsterdam’, Oud-Holland 6 (1888), pp. 103-12, esp. pp. 105-06.
  • 4 G. Luijten et al., Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish Art 1580-1620, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1993-94, esp. no. 59.
  • 5 F. Scholten, ‘Hele en halve hoofden, kanttekeningen bij terracotta portretten van Hendrick de Keyser’, in P. van den Brink and L.M. Helmus (eds.), Album discipulorum J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer, Zwolle 1997, pp. 185-95, esp. pp. 185-88.
  • 6 F. Scholten, ‘Hele en halve hoofden, kanttekeningen bij terracotta portretten van Hendrick de Keyser’, in P. van den Brink and L.M. Helmus (eds.), Album discipulorum J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer, Zwolle 1997, pp. 185-95, esp. pp. 188-90.
  • 7 Wormer, Provincial depot for archeology of Noord-Holland, inv. no. 4326-01. This bust was unearthed in the form of numerous fragments in the moat at Heemstede Castle. The bust possibly depicts the owner of the castle at this time, Adriaen Pauw, Grand Pensionary of Holland. With thanks to Martin Veen.