
Christ Child as Salvator Mundi

Mechelen, c. 1510


fig. a Christ Child as Salvator Mundi, Mechelen, c. 1500. Walnut (figure), oak (socle) with polychromy, mixed media details and textile (garment), h. 39 cm (incl. crown). Schloss Güstrow (Staatliches Museum Schwerin), inv. no. Pl. 600. Photo: bpk | Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Hugo Maertens

fig. b Christ Child as Salvator Mundi, Brabant, c. 1520-25. Walnut with polychromy, h. 34.5 cm. Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus, inv. no. St. P. 352. Photo: ARTOTHEK
