Hendrick de Keyser (I)


Amsterdam, 1611


  • 1 Possibly den Mercurius mentioned in her testament of 15 November 1621, see A.D. de Vries, ‘Biografische aantekeningen betreffende voornamelijk Amsterdamsche schilders, plaatsnijders, enz. en hunne verwanten’, Oud Holland 3 (1885), pp. 55-80, esp. p. 76.
  • 2 E. Neurdenburg, Hendrick de Keyser: Beeldhouwer en bouwmeester van Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1930, pp. 95-96.
  • 3 C. Avery, ‘Hendrick de Keyser as a Sculptor of Small Bronzes, his Orpheus and Cerberus Identified’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 21 (1973), pp. 3-24 (reprint in C. Avery, Studies in European Sculpture, vol. 1, London 1981, pp. 175-89).
  • 4 A. Bredius, Künstler-inventare, Urkunden zur geschichte der holländischen Kunst des XVIten, XVIIten und XVIIIten Jahrhunderts, vol. 4, The Hague 1917, pp. 1457-58. Thomas Cornelis Cruse was born in Lübeck in 1586 and married in Amsterdam in December 1612. He is documented in the circle of the Amsterdam sculptor Hendrick de Keyser in 1616, when buying tools from the latter’s friend, the goldsmith Andries Frerixsz or Frederiks Valckenaer (1566-1627), whose daughter Machtelt married Hendrick de Keyser’s son, Thomas, in 1626. See Amsterdam City Archives, DTB, archive no. 5001, inv. no. 416, fol. 162, Notarial Archives (archive no. 5075), inv. no. 433, fols. 148v-149r (dated 28 March 1616) and inv. no. 440, fols. 94v-95v (dated 1 June 1626).
  • 5 London, Victoria and Albert Museum, inv. nos. D1212:20-1889, D1212:21-1889 and D1212:22-1889.
  • 6 H. Leeflang and G. Luijten et al., Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617): Drawings, Prints and Paintings, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum)/New York (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)/Toledo (The Toledo Museum of Art) 2003-04, pp. 71-72.
  • 7 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, https://www.staatsgalerie.de/de/sammlung-digital/merkur-statuette-sechs-ansichten">inv. no. C 2017/5756,249 (29). My thanks to the late Erik Löffler.
  • 8 Antwerp Museum Plantin-Moretus, inv. nos. PK.OT.00156, PK.OT.02269. PK.OT.02270; A. Mackelaite in V. D’haene (ed.), From Scribble to Cartoon: Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens, exh. cat. Antwerp (Museum Platin-Moretus) 2023, no. 9. Jordaens reused the same figure in his drawing Allegory of Victory, c. 1655-60, New York, The Morgan Library & Museum, inv. no. III, 171, see ibid., fig. 98.
  • 9 Sale Florence (Sotheby’s), 12-15 October 2009, no. 163, together with a life-size statue of Venus.
  • 10 Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, inv. no. Gr. 62.
  • 11 U. Berger and V. Krahn, Bronzen der Renaissance und des Barock: Katalog der Sammlung, coll. cat. Braunschweig (Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum) 1994, no. 133.
  • 12 K. Zock, G. Balderston and D. Katz, European Sculpture 2003, sale cat. London (Daniel Katz Ltd.) 2003, no. 9; F. Scholten, ‘The Larson Family of Statuary Founders: Seventeenth-Century Reproductive Sculpture for Gardens and Painters’ Studios’, Simiolus 31 (2004-05), pp. 54-89, esp. fig. 41.
  • 13 Sale Luzern (Gilhofer & Ranschburg), 30 November 1934, no. 100 (h. 25 cm); Sale Berlin (H.W. Lange), 18-19 November 1938, no. 241; present whereabouts unknown.
  • 14 Utrecht, Centraal Museum, inv. nos. 8292 and 34950.
  • 15 G. Luijten et al., Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish Art 1580-1620, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1993-94, no. 100.
  • 16 G. Luijten et al., Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish Art 1580-1620, exh. cat. Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1993-94, no. 58, F. Scholten, ‘A Beheaded Bust and a Fountain-Statue by Hendrick de Keyser’, The Burlington Magazine 137 (1995), pp. 838-41.