? Commissioned by the Bridgettine abbey Mariënwater, Koudewater, near Rosmalen, c. 1470;{For the history of this abbey and the transitional period and transfer of the art patrimony, see L.C.B.M. van Liebergen, _Beelden in de abdij: Middeleeuwse kunst uit het noordelijk deel van het hertogdom Brabant_, exh. cat. Uden (Museum voor Religieuze Kunst) 1999, pp. 39-57, 62-64, 97.} or commissioned by the Bridgettine abbey of Marienbaum, near Xanten, c. 1470;{Ibid.} ? transferred to the Bridgettine convent Maria Refugie, Uden, resp. 1713-24 or 1802;{Ibid.} ? from where, with numerous other sculptures (BK-NM-1195 to -1243), fl. 2,000 for all, to the Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst, The Hague, 1875; ? transferred to the museum, 1885; first recorded in the museum in 1949;{_Verslagen omtrent ’s Rijks verzamelingen van geschiedenis en kunst (1949)_, pp. 16-17.} on loan to the Museum Krona (formerly known as the Museum voor Religieuze Kunst), Uden, inv. no. 1762, since 1997
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)