…; collection Baron Stephan Edler von Auspitz von Artenegg (1869-1945), Vienna, documented in 1930;{_Drei Jahrhunderte vlämische Kunst 1400-1700_, exh. cat. Vienna (Wiener Secession) 1930, no. 145.} ? Otto Lanz (1865-1935), Amsterdam;{J. Leeuwenberg with the assistance of W. Halsema-Kubes, _Beeldhouwkunst in het Rijksmuseum_, coll. cat. Amsterdam 1973, p. 163.} from the dealer Kurt Walter Bachstitz (1882-1949), The Hague, fl. 4,750 to Hans Posse, for Adolf Hitler’s Führermuseum, Linz, 18 September 1941 (inv. no. 2061);{SNK Archive, inv. no. 178, 385, 583; B. Schwarz, _Hitlers Museum: Die Fotoalben Gemäldegalerie Linz: Dokumente zum ‘Führermuseum’_, Vienna/Cologne/Weimar 2004, p. 139, no. XX/31. Leeuwenberg (J. Leeuwenberg with the assistance of W. Halsema-Kubes, _Beeldhouwkunst in het Rijksmuseum_, coll. cat. Amsterdam 1973, no. 194) states that the relief was in the possession of the Amsterdam collector Otto Lanz (1865-1935), but no evidence has been ascertained to confirm this. By contrast, Bachstitz may very well have acquired the piece directly from Auspitz: in 1931, ‘Herr Walter Bachstitz’ organized an exhibition of works from the Auspitz collection at Agnew’s in London, as Auspitz was experiencing financial difficulties in that same year, see T. Borenius, ‘The Stefan von Auspitz collection’, _The Burlington Magazine_ 61 (1932) p. 287.} transferred to a salt mine in Altaussee, 1941; war recuperation, SNK, 25 October 1945 and transferred to Central Collection Point, Munich (inv. no. NK 631); transferred to DRVK, Amsterdam, 10 May 1949;{Provenance from 1939 to 1949 reconstructed by R. Ekkart et al., _Herkomst gezocht: De geschiedenis van ruim 4700 kunstwerken die na WO II uit Duitsland terugkwamen en sindsdien de NK-collectie vormen [CD-Rom]/Origins Unknown: The History of Over 4700 Works of Art that Returned from Germany to the Netherlands after World War II and Have Since then Incorporated the NK Collection_ [CD-Rom], The Hague 2006; MCCP website, file card no. 12280.} on loan from the DRVK to the museum, 1953;{_Verslagen omtrent ’s Rijks verzamelingen van geschiedenis en kunst_¸ Amsterdam 1953, p. 26.} transferred to the museum, 1960
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)