Artus Quellinus (I) (attributed to)

Bellowing Bull

Antwerp, c. 1640


Artus Quellinus I, Lioness Suckling her Cubs. Terracotta, 18 x 32 cm. New York, The Leiden Collection

Artus Quellinus I, Horse, 1638. Terracotta, h. 28.5 cm. Sale New York (Christie’s), 10 January 1990, no. 196


  • 1 V. Krahn (ed.), Von allen Seiten schön: Bronzen der Renaissance und des Barock, exh. cat. Berlin (Staatliche Museen, Skulpturensammlung) 1995, no. 197.
  • 2 V. Avery and J. Dillon, Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, exh. cat. London (Daniel Katz Ltd.) 2002, pp. 221, 296-98.
  • 3 With thanks to Arie Pappot.
  • 4 Inventory book Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, Umzugsrenner, no. R.3231; Archive Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, Dok.-no. 991 - Protokoll über die Sitzung der Ankaufskommission des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums am 10. Juli 1923.
  • 5 Note RMA.
  • 6 Photo album ‘Het huis van Dr F. Mannheimer, Amsterdam’, 1928-32, Rijksmuseum, inv. no. B-F-1963-426-7.
  • 7 NHA, 476, RMA Archive, inv. no. 2142, Recapitulatie der geïnventariseerde kunstvoorwerpen van wijlen Dr F. Mannheimer, undated, p. 89, no. Br 56, Artistic no. 29/33.
  • 8 E.J. Korthals Altes, Verzameling Mannheimer, Amsterdam 1974, pp. 21-22; F. Kieslinger, Verzeichnis der Restbestände der Sammlung Mannheimer, s.l. 1941 (typescript in Rijksmuseum Library), no. 538.
  • 9 HNA, SNK Archive, 2.08.42, inv. no. 548.
  • 10 Note RMA.
  • 11 J. Leeuwenberg with the assistance of W. Halsema-Kubes, Beeldhouwkunst in het Rijksmuseum, coll. cat. Amsterdam 1973, p. 189 for an overview; V. Krahn (ed.), Von allen Seiten schön: Bronzen der Renaissance und des Barock, exh. cat. Berlin (Staatliche Museen, Skulpturensammlung) 1995, pp. 532-33, no. 197; sale London (Christie’s), 10 December 2009, no. 850.
  • 12 Avignon, Fondation Angladon Dubrujeaud, inv. no. E 4, acquired from the collection J. Doucet in Paris in 1912.
  • 13 H.R. Weihrauch, Europäische Bronzestatuetten, 15.-18. Jahrhundert, Braunschweig 1967, p. 377.
  • 14 H.R. Weihrauch, Europäische Bronzestatuetten, 15.-18. Jahrhundert, Braunschweig 1967, fig. 558.
  • 15 V. Krahn (ed.), Von allen Seiten schön: Bronzen der Renaissance und des Barock, exh. cat. Berlin (Staatliche Museen, Skulpturensammlung) 1995, no. 197.
  • 16 K. Fremantle, The Baroque Town Hall of Amsterdam, Utrecht 1959, pp. 149-52.
  • 17 Acquired from the dealer Martin Bonham-Carter Ltd., London, after 1997.
  • 18 K. Fremantle, The Baroque Town Hall of Amsterdam, Utrecht 1959, fig. 66.
  • 19 Sale New York (Christie’s), 10 January 1990, no. 196, h. 28.5 cm; A comparable horse also forms the pendant of the bull in the painting by Beailleur of the so-called Rubens workshop, see H.R. Weihrauch, Europäische Bronzestatuetten, 15.-18. Jahrhundert, Braunschweig 1967, fig. 558.
  • 20 Quellinus would undoubtedly have been familiar with Giambologna’s pairing of a pacing horse and striding bull from c. 1580-90.
  • 21 U. Berger and V. Krahn, Bronzen der Renaissance und des Barock: Katalog der Sammlung, coll. cat. Braunschweig (Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum) 1994, nos. 176 and 211.
  • 22 Excavated during the pontificate of Clemens XIV (1769-1774), see W. Amelung, Die Skulpturen des Vaticanischen Museums, text vol., Berlin 1904, p. 378, no. 209.
  • 23 V. Avery and J. Dillon, Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, exh. cat. London (Daniel Katz Ltd.) 2002, no. 35, esp. p. 221.