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Basin with scenes from the story of Diana and Actaeon, Paulus Willemsz. van Vianen, 1613

Basin with scenes from the story of Diana and Actaeon, Paulus Willemsz. van Vianen, 1613

silver (metal), h c.6cm × l c.50cm × w c.40cm × w 3061gr More details

While bathing with her nymphs, Diana is spied on by the hunter Actaeon. As no mortal may see the chaste goddess naked, Diana turns him into a stag. Here he is still shown in human form with antlers sprouting from his head. On the back of this basin is a depiction of Actaeon in the guise of a stag being torn to pieces by his own hounds.

On display in room 2.3

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)

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