Paul van Duin

Paul van Duin is Head of Furniture Restoration

Curriculum vitae and work

vanduin Paul van Duin has been Head of Furniture Restoration since 1989. His largest project for the opening of the new Rijksmuseum was the restoration and installation of the Beuning Room, the most beautiful Rococo interior in Amsterdam. He studied Psychology in Utrecht before opting for Furniture Restoration in 1980 and training at Opleiding Restauratoren in Amsterdam. From 1984-1989, he worked as a furniture restorer for the Royal Collection in London.

His main interest is in 17th-century marquetry, technical art history and historical interiors. He is one of the coordinators of the Science4Arts research project Climate4Wood, which seeks to establish a safe and sustainable museum climate for panels. Financed by NWO, this interdisciplinary project is a collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.
Paul van Duin is an advisor for the Panel Paintings Initiative of the Getty Center and co-editor of the Research Agenda for Panel Paintings set up by NWO, the Rijksmuseum and the Getty Center. He was an advisor for the restoration of the entire collection of empire furniture of the Royal Palace Amsterdam.
From 2003 to 2007, he was the construction project leader for the Atelier Building, which is home to the Rijksmuseum's Department of Restoration and Conservation, the Department of Research of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the University of Amsterdam's Master's degree course in Conservation and Restoration.
He is currently working on publishing the study of the Simplica cabinet and a study of marquetry on late 17th-century Dutch furniture.


  • [with J. Dorscheid and H. van Keulen]: The late 17th century lacquer room from the Palace of the Stadtholder in Leeuwarden, preserved in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. In: Eds G. Krist & E.Iby: Investigation and conservation of East Asian Cabinets in Imperial Residences (1700-1900), Vienna 2015, pp. 237-259.
  • [with Aagje Gosliga] ‘Carel Breytspraak sr., hofleverancier van Lodewijk Napoleon. De Breytspraak-meubelen uit de collectie van het Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam’, in: Bulletin KNOB 112 (2013) 2, pp. 100-111.
    ‘What real museum objects can teach us about the influence of climate conditions’, in: Jonathan Ashley-Smith, Andreas Burmester, Melanie Eibl (eds) Climate for Collections - Standards and Uncertainties , London Archetype Publications 2013
  • [with Iskander Breebaart] ‘The conservation of a late seventeenth-century floral marquetry cabinet, attributed to Jan van Mekeren, Amsterdam’, in: U. Brunne (ed.) Marquetry – Past and Present, 2nd Scandinavian Symposium on Furniture Technology & Design, Vadstena, Zweden ( 10 mei 2007). Lynkøping Universiteit 2013.
  • [with Christina Hagelskamp] ‘A Seventeenth-Century Dutch Cabinet Mounted with Export Lacquer’, The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 60 (2012), nr. 4, pp. 316-341;
    ‘The construction of flat decorated doors of Dutch seventeenth-century cabinets. Report of a master class’, in: M. Vasques Dias (ed.), Restoring Joints, Conserving Structures. Proceedings Tenth International Symposium on Wood and Furniture, Stichting Ebenist, Amsterdam 2012, pp. 121-143.
  • ‘Panels in Furniture: Observations and Conservation Issues’, in: Facing the Challenges of Panel Paintings Conservation: trends, treatments and training (17-18 May 2009), Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute, 2011, pp. 92-103.
  • ‘De Beuning kamer’ - A mid-eighteenth century mahogany room from Keizersgracht 187, Amsterdam’, in: Multidisciplinary conservation, a holistic view for historic interiors, ICOM-CC, 2010, pp 1-12.
  • ‘The conservation of a secrétaire by Weisweiler and a writing table by Jacob Frères’, in: Empire furniture, Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Wood and Furniture Conservation, 17-18 november 2006, Amsterdam 2008, pp.60-65;
    [Met R. Baarsen, J.D. Biemond en A.S. van Leeuwen] Het Utrechtse Huis, De verzamelingen van het Centraal Museum Utrecht 8, Meubelen tot 1900, Utrecht 2005
  • ‘Historic interiors in the Rijksmuseum’, in: Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Wood and Furniture Conservation, Historic interiors, Conservation, restoration and reconstruction (Rijksmuseum, 7-8 december 2000), Stichting Ebenist, Amsterdam 2002, pp. 79-86
  • ‘The ‘Grachtenhuis’, a mid-eighteenth-century doll’s house’, in: The Conservation of Decorative Arts, UKIC/Archetype Press, London1999, pp. 95-108
  • ‘Marqueterie: schilderen met hout?’, in: kM-vakinformatie voor beeldend kunstenaars en restauratoren 24 (winter 1997), pp. 40-41
  • `De schildpad- en tinmarqueterie op de kast van het poppenhuis van Petronella Oortman', in: Mededelingenblad IIC-Nederland 13 (1996), nr 1-2, pp. 23-26
    ‘The progress of the conservation of the Pierre Gole cabinet’, in: Proceedings of the Wood and Furniture Symposium (22 October 1992), Amsterdam 1993, pp. 9-21.
  • ‘Het Gole kabinet. Constructie, conservering en restauratie’, Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 41 (1993), pp.96-123
  • ‘Two pairs of Boulle caskets on Stands by Thomas Parker’, in: Furniture History XXV (1989), pp. 214-220